There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. What does this mean and how do you actually end up being happy regardless?
Here are some simple ideas for finding happiness
Make the decision to be a happy person. We choose how stressed, happy, troubled or relaxed we want to be. Choose to be a happy person, regardless of your circumstances.
Live In the Present Moment
Stop thinking about your past challenges from yesterday. Don't worry about tomorrow, till it arrives. Live each day, one day at a time. Today is a gift, live now and enjoy your life.
Avoid Toxic People, Places & Things
Whenever possible, avoid all kinds of drama. When you walk into a negative situation you can feel it in the air. If you stay or work in a toxic environment here’s what you can do to minimize the negative energy. Strengthen your aura and visualize packing your aura in tight to your body. Raise the vibration in the room by telling jokes, paying compliments and changing the topic of conversation. Don't be drawn into dramatic situations. Choose to send them love, light & happiness.
Turn The TV Off
Stop watching or reading the news. It's full of drama and sensation. Read a book or enjoy a conversation with friends and loved ones. I know this can be difficult. Start out by not watching the late night news just before bedtime. You don't need the stress. So, just don't watch.
Practice The Attitude of Gratitude
Even when you don't feel like it, there are always people, places and things around us that we can be grateful for. We all have so much to be grateful for. Just saying thank you to people who assist us, encourage us and teach us, could take all day and keep a smile on our face!
Take Time to Love Well
The people you love and care about sometimes leave your life unexpectedly. My life has taught me to make the most of what you have, and not to worry about what you don't have. Take to spend time with loved ones. Stop and smell the roses. Learn to relax and enjoy each moment.
Laugh Everyday
Laughter is the most powerful medicine and illness can't thrive in a happy person. Spread your laughter around everyone enjoys laughter. Tell a joke, laugh at yourself, and laugh with your friends, family and co-workers.
Express Yourself
Share your goals, ideals and dreams. Show your affection, appreciation, friendship and warmth to those around you. They will respond in love and light and you'll be amazed at how much your life is enriched.
Enjoy Your Work
One of the great sources of happiness is to do work that is worthy of you, and to do it well. There is tremendous satisfaction in completing a job well done.
Learn Something New Everyday
As beings of light; we thrive by learning, growing, expanding, and challenging ourselves. Learn a new word, a new recipe, a new way to work, or a new way to express yourself.
Watch, listen, read, and keep an open mind. Be aware of things you can see and cannot see, but feel them in your heart. This is how we expand our world.
Take Care Of Your Body
Your body can be either be a source of joy, or a source of aches and pains. Walk, dance, workout do yoga or Tai Chi. Enjoy the benefits of exercise.
Share Your Wisdom
Meet people where they're at, don't preach- just teach. What works for you, may not work for someone else. We're all on our own path. Free yourself from judgment- practice loving observations.
Author Anne-Marie McCormack