Many people go in search of enlightenment too far off exotic places looking for some great A-ha to the mysteries of the universe and life as we know it. For some, this great quest that they see as a journey towards enlightenment. They may explore the pyramids in Egypt or in South America. Seek out Shamans and mystics all over the world. They might go to Indiaor Tibetin search of the wisdom of the of the great Buddhist or Hindu teachings. For those who think or feel they have to go on this quest. They are absolutely right, and everything is exactly as it is meant to be. However, they will not find enlightenment while they think that the answer lies in people, places and things from an outside source.
Enlightenment is found within
You don’t have to go to far off places in order to connect to a higher consciousness or gain a clearer connection with Universal Source Energy (God). It has no divine connection to any religion or place in the world. All you need to do is have an open mind and be ready and willing to accept and channel and assimilate your energy of enlightenment which is always inside of you just waiting to be discovered. These are some of the important steps towards accessing this energy of enlightenment. When you’ve mastered these you are mostly living in love and light.
1) Let go of all your old baggage- no one can do anything to you
You have been a willing participant in everything that has happened in your life. These events have played their part in your growth process. There are no victims, there are no villains, and there are no heroes. We all play our roles of choice at any given time. When you choose the same kind of thing to happen in your life over, and over again, (like attracting the same kind of love interest that you know will end badly), It means you haven’t learnt yet what is vital to your growth to ensure you attract the love interest that suits your life style. So, similar events with different people will keep occurring until you get the message. Old baggage also means old hurts- Forgive all, let go of all resentment- so if you didn’t like someone from your school days for whatever reason- stop justifying it- and release it.
2) Thoughts and Feelings
Thoughts & feelings are just indicators to tell us how we are doing- do you have any intrusive thoughts? Do you have any strong feelings? Do you feel you have been a victim at any point? Do you feel life hasn’t been fair? Do you feel the need to be right? Do you wish everyone or someone should just get some common sense and do things your way?
3) Everyone and everything is exactly the way it was meant to be
If it were meant to be another way –it would be another way. We are on our own path- experiencing what it is we have signed up for to assist us in our growth process. When someone shows you who they are and where they’re at believe them. Don’t offer them your assistance so they can find your truth. Allow them to find their own truth, in their own time and in their own way. When they ask for your assistance, provide it. They most likely will consider what you have to say and still choose their own way.
There is no greater experience- there is no lesser experience. There just is. If you find yourself judging any actions of anybody- you have issues- while you have issues with people, places and things. When the issues surface- it knocks you out of the zone (the moment) and clouds your connection to source energy (Enlightenment).
4) Are you addicted to anything such as cigarettes, alcohol, moaning, and poor me etc.
Move gently towards contemplation- why do you need these addictions? How are they serving you? When something or someone bothers you- they are serving you so you can take off your rose colored glasses and see where you are and then do the necessary work on yourself to come to terms with yourself.
5) Any life altering changes that have knocked you off your feet?
These events were pre-life choices so you could grow and learn. You signed up for this kind of growth in this lifetime. Have you had it all and then suddenly lost it all- through what appears to be no fault of your own? Stay out of blame- It’s no ones fault not even your own. You chose these life challenges and they are unfolding exactly how they are meant to. Ask yourself what am I to learn from these events?
6) Stay in loving observation of all events
Learn when someone or something moves you it’s vital for your growth. It’s on your path. Acceptance of yourself and people, places, events and things around you are there to assist you in your growth during this lifetime.
7) Give up the need to be right about anyone or anything
Instead ask yourself why I am drawing this experience into my life. Why do I need to be right? Can I validate myself without expecting others to agree with me? Ask yourself how much will these events matter in five years’ time.
8) Find beauty, love and light in all things including yourself
Be at peace with who you are and who you are not. Be at peace with where you are and where you are not. Love yourself in order that you may give and receive love.
9) Understanding nothing or no one can make you happy- happiness is the way
Start finding things to be grateful for even the things you perceive as bad or unhappy. The big house, the fancy car- been that done that and it doesn't make you happy. If your day is full of woe, you can change it in an instant. Start saying it’s a wonderful day today and refuse to buy into anyone’s drama including your own. And you’ll see the day unfold in love and light.
10) Accept that your own life and circumstances is the best place to find enlightenment
What better teacher could you have than yourself? We know everything we need to know to access enlightenment. We could be anywhere on earth and do this. We could be sat in our own living rooms or back gardens meditating or just pondering and contemplating and all of a sudden the answer hits us.